NYLON Marketing is an integrated marketing and PR agency which goes beyond fifteen minutes of buzz. We provide strategically focused online marketing and PR for businesses and individuals seeking a lasting impact.
HNW Support
We provide services directly to HNW individuals or for businesses which support HNW clients, such as family offices, wealth managers, concierge services or aviation consultants.
Work: Includes personal branding, website development, brand development, PowerPoint presentations, corporate literature design, PR, copywriting, media liaison and management, brand reputation management including 24/7/365 global monitoring and reporting.
Issues: If you are a HNW with a brand or reputation to increase, or privacy to protect, our service is for you. Working with you on a consultancy basis, we can provide valuable input to creating and protecting your reputation using our marketing and PR tool kit and advisory services.
For companies supporting HNW clients strategic marketing and creativity is key to help you differentiate your services in a crowded marketplace, where the rewards are high, but business is as elusive as your customers are exclusive! Influencer marketing is extremely beneficial in this area.
Results: We have successfully worked for HNW individuals over many years and have provided personal branding and brand reputation services to clients who operate globally. Our service is extremely responsive and very effective. Find out more about our Brand Reputation Management services.
We have also achieved increased online visibility for our clients and good PR coverage in key periodicals leading to enhanced reputations and awareness.
To find out how we can help you, why not Touch Base?