PPC and SEO is too expensive....

  • Detailed searches containing ‘long tail keywords’ tend to indicate that the user has a better understanding of what they want and is closer to making a decision.

Research and planning are the first steps to take when undertaking any SEO or PPC activity. A lack of quality research could easily result in a campaign that fails to deliver the desired results and/or wasting large amounts of resources trying to compete for the top spot in the searches. Keywords are, or at least should be existent throughout your entire online presence, from the metadata of your web pages and the content on your website (on page), to your social media and paid online advertising (off page). Because of this, it is fundamental that keywords are taken into consideration when developing a website.

Being strategic and methodical is the key to getting excellent levels of traffic and high conversion rates be it from organic or paid searches, and before launching a campaign, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What traffic is your website already attracting?
  • What type of traffic are you missing/ do you want to attract?
  • What is your proposition?
  • What is the intent of your prospective customers?
  • Who is your competition and what is their psychology like?

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, your budget plays a big part in your keyword selection. If your main keywords are just too expensive to deliver the results you want, it’s time to be a bit creative and tactful. Being more selective and targeted in terms of keywords and demographical/geographical limitations will help you reach the right people. This quality over quantity will result in a higher conversion rate.

Keywords are relevant and necessary for a number of online marketing activities and therefore require an integrated approach; undertaking just one aspect of digital marketing without considering the others is highly unlikely to produce the desired outcome.

Author: Sindy Foster